» ABOUT US » Facts and Figures

Facts and Figures

The research activities at the institute are administered and coordinated according to the respective areas of Laboratory of Cryptography, and Structural Analysis (formerly known as the Laboratory of Mathematical Theory / Laboratory for Theory), Laboratory of Computational Statistics and Operations Research (formerly known as the Laboratory of Statistics and Applied Mathematics / Statistics computational and Applied), Laboratory of Mathematical Physics and computational Sciences (formerly known as the Laboratory of Mathematical Sciences and Applications / computational Sciences and Informatics) and Laboratory of Abstracting and Indexing and Didactic (formerly known as the Laboratory of Education and Literacy, Mathematics / Innovation in Mathematics Education).

To ensure the administration runs smoothly and efficiently a number of specific administrative units have been created. These unit are Human Resources and Finance, Graduate Studies Unit and Interagency Relations, Administration, Research and Publication Unit Resources and Resource Development Unit. Number of staff the institute at present is 3 Professional and Management Staff (Academic), 12 officers Professional and Management Professional (Non-Academic) and 9 executive officers. The amount mentioned above shall include all permanent staff, contract and part-time.

The total research grant from the initial establishment of the institute until recent years.

In addition to research, the institute also offers Master and PhD programs in several fields of study. At present, the total number of graduate students in the institute is 152 of which 60 are Masters and 92 PhD. The list of fields of study at the institute are as follows:

  1. Mathematical Cryptography
  2. Analytical and Structural Mathematics
  3. Mathematical Finance
  4. Applied and Computational Statistics
  5. Computational Operations Research
  6. Mathematical and Computational Biology
  7. Computational Mathematics
  8. Mathematical Physics & Engineering
  9. Fluid Dynamics
  10. Computational Electromagnetics
  11. Computable Structures and Scientific Computing
  12. Mathematics Education
  13. History and Philosophy of Mathematics
  14. Ethnomathematics


The results of research in the institute have been disseminated through presentations in forums either in or outside the country. Since its establishment the institute has successfully produced 1043 journal citation index, 227 non-cited journals index, 1082 proceedings, 39 books, publishing 68 titles in the books, 4 patents and copyright, 60 including books and software.

Updated:: 10/08/2020 [noorizzati]