Workshop On Survey Sampling & Questionnaire Design In Mathematics Education Using SPSS | INSTITUTE FOR MATHEMATICAL RESEARCH

Event Title
Workshop on Survey Sampling & Questionnaire Design in Mathematics Education using SPSS
26 Feb 2018 - 28 Feb 2018
08.00 - 05.00
Ulugh Beg Computer Laboratory, Level 2, INSPEM
Event Summary
The progress of social sciences research especially in Mathematics Education requires statistical analysis of survey data. Some aspects are necessary to be emphasized as an early exposure to researchers particularly in the aspects of designing the survey instrument. This initial exposure is important to researchers working in this area to ensure an appropriate survey design is employed. Survey design is a process of selecting a sample of the study from the targeted population to conduct the survey. In survey design, questionnaire instruments are usually used to measure attitudes, opinions, behavior, or characteristics of a population based on the collected data. Three main components in survey design are sample selection, data collection and estimation. Questionnaire design consists of several popular methods. One of them are questionnaire instrument conmprising question items that can be 'open-ended' or 'close-ended' questions, multiple-choice questions, or questions to assess something on a scale (for example, Likert scale 1 to 10). Another method is through interview where the oral questions will be asked to the respondent personally or by phone or email. This 2 days workshop aims to: 1) To expose the participants to various sampling techniques 2) To provide basic skills in developing questionnaire items for survey instrument 3) To familiarize participants with SPSS for survey sampling & questionnaire design

Updated:: 18/01/2018 [kathiresan]

Universiti Putra Malaysia
43400 UPM Serdang
Selangor Darul Ehsan